I have always been highly apprehensive of sunbeds due to the bombardment of negative press in the media enforced upon us. We all know the claimed health risks; cancer (particularly skin), increased ageing, and damage to the eyes such as cataracts. So obviously, like many people of society I avoided them like the plague, fearful of these 'risks', yet ironically I would happily lie all day on the beach on holiday with my family, experiencing the same if not greater level of exposure.
So if UV rays are so damaging, then why are people in warmer climates with constant exposure to the sun, often healthier, happier and more vibrant than those trapped in the cold climates, freezing with 'sad' disorder? The answer is vitamin D. Vitamin D boosts the 'happy hormone' making us feel more radiant from the inside and prepared for the day. It also aids the immune system, maintains cognitive functions, helps maintain a healthy body weight, protects against radiation damage, increases recovery for those suffering from T.B. and reduces the risk of contracting cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, M.S. (multiple sclerosis) and heart attacks. It is a salvation!
So where do all these health problems come from? If sunbeds arent to blame then what is? The answer to that is your lifestyle! As I am sure all of my fellow foodies are aware, what we put into our body and what we expose it to has a huge effect in its well being. If you are currently living on the typical American 'SAD' diet then you are exposing your body to a mountain of toxins from animal products, dairy, processed food, fast food and artificial preservatives that are building up in your body and will be rejected! Your body cannot thrive when it is lumbered with such disease and malnourishment. Imagine having to carry twice your weight on your back for the entirety of the day, wouldn't life be far more difficult? So, let us all make life easier and cherish the holy temple we have been given.
I am not saying you must be vegan to be healthy and happy, but following a plant based diet will definitely help! Ofcourese, don't deny yourself the foods you love, I myself love chai latte, falafel, vegan chocolate and a good curry so I am not trying to take over. But it is all about the small changes that will make all the difference! Once you start to feel the benefits you will never go back I promise you! I have been vegan for 9 months now and it is the best decision I have ever made! Not only am i appreciating my body but the world and its inhabitants! What could be more satisfying?