Thursday, 3 April 2014

Inspirational thursday!

We all spend far too much of our time focusing on the negative e.g. what we don't have, faults in our appearance, comparisons to others etc, draining our mind and soul of the confidence and happiness we each deserve. What is this crazy hippie banana girl going on about? Stress. Sadness. Despair. They are all unnecessary emotions in life and are so simple to remove!

How? I ask you to step back from your crazy world and take time to just observe, appreciate and understand the wonders around you that are so unique and provide so many opportunities to expand as an individual. It starts with the simple things; how about that ray of sunshine that started your day, that colleague that held the door open for you? Anything can bring light in your day if you just look for it!

But why stop at being an observer? Why not be an instagator? You could spend some time with a friend who has been feeling lonely, smile at a stranger, or even 'heavens forbid' share a banana! (forget the last one, ripe bananas are never shared.) But life is exceedingly more free and enjoyable when you learn to let go and enjoy it, so I challenge you, who will you inspire today?

P.S My english teacher is always a very fond companion in my life and never fails to enlighten me and make me smile. She shared this quote from one of my favourite novels 'Jane Eyre' and it summises me to a 'T'!

"'I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will."

Be yourself because why would you want to waste your time being someone else?