So, I have been on the vegan lifestyle for 6 months now and an 801010/ rawtill4 vegan for 2 months and never felt better! I never used to eat a lot of meat before I transitioned, mainly fish with the occasional bit of chicken but that was always because I felt I had to due to the misconceptions presented by the media on the importance of protein. Since transitioning to vegan I have never felt so energetic and happy from the inside with the added bonus of helping the environment and protecting all the wonderful animals within it! Call me a crazy hippie but this is what makes me feel good on the insdie and out and that's the most important thing in achieving happiness and health <3
There is a lot of stigma by raw food vegans about eating cooked food, however without easy access to cheap, organic fruit in abundance it is a fatastic option to make sure you keep carbed up! When embarking upon 801010 which I love as a lifestyle, I became afraid of cooked foods and lost a lot of enjoyment from food that I think is important in order to appreciate your body. I stopped socialising with friends, constantly punished myself for eating anything not 'raw' and also was seriously undereating so became very moody and miserable within myself. What kind of a lifestyle is that? Don't get me wrong, fruit is always the best option providing natural, instant energy direct from mother nature, however if like me you live in a cold climate, with difficult access to high quality fruit then cooked carbohdyrates are a salvation! I wish I had learnt this earlier as I feel so much better being carbed up.
Fully raw is my ambition as obviously cooking food does denature it and reduce the quality but it all depends on how you cook it. If you roast it until its black and charred or fry it in heaps of oil then obviously it isn't a good choice, but steaming and grilling can be great options and roasted sweet potatoes are one of my favourites <3 I don't eat cooked every day as I do like my raw vegan meals like a bowl of zucchini pasta or my curry corn dressing on a big salad, so I simlply eat cooked when I am undercarbed or crave a heartier meal.

My Inspiration <3
How did I discover rawtill4? Well I am sure you have heard of the famous pioneers 'freelee' and 'durianrider' and I cannot promote them enough! Their approach to veganism is so welcoming, easy to understanding and refreshing amongst such a restrictive, selective community that made me feel so distant and inferior. They promote doing what is best for you on this lifestyle whether that means eating cooked, eating raw, eating a bit of fat, its all about doing what is best for you! No constricition by a chain of rules you must regiment your life by. This is an idea I am strongly passionate about, and they really opened my eyes to how enjoyable life can be when you can escape restrcition and just live the life that you want to live and create your own journey of happiness. Don't trap yourself when life is so free with many opportunities for you indulge!
So what lifestyle do I follow? All I can say is vegan plant based diet. Do I treat myself....hell yeah! (chai lattes, vegan chocolate and curries are my guilty pleasure aha). Do I worry if something is cooked...NO! Do I worry if I occasionaly have a bit more fat...ofcourse not! As long as I am happy and healthy both inside and out that is all that matters, and although it has taken me a long time it is definitely worth my past of pain.
I hope this post encourages you each to persue your own journey to happiness and health, and PLEASE comment below on your thoughts and opionions I want to know more about you wonderful souls, as well as your thoughts on the blog! There is also a 'get in touch' page if you want to email me or send me any products to trial and review and share with the vegan community. Lots of love and smiles <3
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