Recently I have been struggling with a wave of negativity which has sent me into a state of misery and 'blues', as I battle with accepting myself and making decisions, losing faith in all that I know and believe. Why is this? Because I allowed other people's negativity and criticisms to bring a raincloud onto my day rather than radiating through and pentrating their darkness, continuing to enjoy my own light which has taken me so long to develop. I am not the kind of person to name names, or to return the negativity because where does that get us in life? Negativity will always be around us and it is about learning how to cope with and use it to your advantage rather than succumbing and allowing it to control your life.
Over the years, after constantly and still to an extent struggling with low self esteem and severe self criticism, I morphed from a glowing, smiley girl into a mechanical, miserable mannekin (my english teacher would be proud of my alliteration there, sorry english literature nerd aha ), losing all enjoyment from the pleasures and opportunities the world has to offer. However, I have developed a series of coping mechanisms I would like to share with fellow sufferers to bring that sunshine back to your day! It takes commitment and it is hard work, but it is definitely worth it! Ofcourse we are allowed to be miserable but why should we spend our lives that way? Let us see the best out of a bad situation!
Coping mechanisms:
- start a positivity journal, filling it with things that make you smile or inspire you. This could be a family photo, a quote you like, a message from a friend, anything that you can turn too to remind you that life isn't as bad as it seems.
- physically write down your negative thoughts and evaluate them. This is for all the critical thinkers out there. List your negative thoughts on one side of the page, then next to them in a different colour (more visual and exciting like life itself) write a postive twise on that negativity e.g. NEGATIVE= someone said I have a big nose POSITIVE= I love my nose, it is unique to me and makes me beautiful.
- distract yourself! Take a bubble bath, phone a friend, watch a film, whatever helps you wind down, relax and think more logically because in a state of anxiety it is impossible to think properly.
- laugh! as silly as it sounds just laugh. You will feel ridiculous which will make you realise how ridiculous the situation is and return to your normal self.
And most importantly...
You, Always, Know
One of my dearest friends who has helped me so much in establishing the positive, stronger me that lives my life rather than fearing it, said this to me and at first I just laughed. It sounds ridiculous but it is my new mantra for life!
What does it mean? Have faith in yourself and want you feel is right, 'listen to your gut' as they say and don't ever change for anyone, do what you love, live the life you want to live and those who are your true supporters will love and encourage you along the way.
I hope this post was beneficial to you all and please create a google account so that you can comment with feedback on the blog, if not head to my 'get in touch' page and you will find my contact details there.
Lots of love and smiles you to all and don't forget to keep smiling <3
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